Q: From which year was awareness about disaster started
by the U.N.O?
Ans :
Q: Which Indian organization is contributing to
disaster management?
Ans : Home Ministry, Central Aid
and Rehabilitation Department.
Q: In which
year was a course on disaster management included in the CBSE curriculum.
Ans : 2005
Q: What would you do if during a disaster electricity fails?
Ans : There should be an alternative provision for it.
Solar energy and other such kind of energy should be utilized for it.
Q: Do you see any change of mind in the case of
residents of disaster affected areas?
Ans : Can be possible
Q: What is the role of regional
disaster management?
Ans : Map of hazardous zone
Q: What do you mean by disaster management? Explain.
Ans: A disaster, whether it is a man made or due to
natural causes, may have devastating effects, We cannot stop the loss or damage
caused by disaster. But it can be reduced to some extent. This is called
disaster management. Disaster is a sudden occurrence and it does not give any
kind of warning before its occurrence. Earthquakes, floods, soil erosion, big
industrial accident, deforestation caused by fire, volcanic eruption, cyclical storm,
cyclical sea waves, hail storm, Tsunami Tides, thunderstorm, drought,
terrorist attack, natural or man made accidents are all different forms of
disaster. Men's varicc s activities are to some extent responsible for the occurrence
of a disaster that causes loss or damage to lives and property But
precautions/preventions if taken in advance can reduce the impact of disaster
to some extent. For this we should take methodical and pre-planned steps.
Skilled planning can also prevent in reducing the impact of disaster. Different
kinds of disaster need different measures or precautions to prevent or reduce
their impact. The U.N.O in 19-87 took a very important proposal in this regard.
According to this proposal, the 1990-2000 decade was declared as the International
Natural Disaster Prevention decade, this proposal consists of the following:
a. Every state should increase its capability of
predicting a disaster and organizing its management.
b. The loss or damage caused by Natural disaster should be
minimized. The present and future scientific measures for prediction of such
disasters should be expanded.
c. Analysis of natural disaster, its solution and future prediction
should be given the priority..
d. There should be a provision of possible guidelines and
planning regarding disaster management.
Q: Write a short note on the measures to be taken
during a disaster.
Ans: There should be proper planning for the post
disaster measures so that the loss can be minimized. Some of the steps that are
to be taken after a disaster are—
a. To rescue people from the calamity as fast as possible
(ii) To identify the living, injured and the dead people and to keep their
b. To keep the communication network" from getting disrupted.
To guard against the possible theft of essential articles.
c. To arrange temporary relief camps and to provide
drinking water, medicine and electricity.
d. To ensure the supply of essential things like food,
woolen/ warm clothes, bedding, utensils etc.
e. To ensure adequate transport facilities in the
affected areas. To check the loss of lives and damage.
To arrange the
rehabilitation of the affected people and to take steps to bring back normalcy.
g. To prepare a detailed report of loss and damage.
Relief Camps:
Establishing and organizing relief camps after a disaster takes place is very
important. The affected people need special help for rehabilitation after a
disaster. For instance, after a disaster, first aid, drinking water, food,
seeds for cultivation etc are some of the important items needed by the
disaster affected people. Under these circumstances the government and NGOs
should act together in organizing the relief camps and the government should
provide the necessary first aid, relief materials, rescue materials, food and
medicines to the organizations managing the relief camps.
Resources: During
the disaster period the flow of required funds to deal with the loss and
destruction will depend on the supply of the funds by the public and private
organizations. To ensure the flow of . funds in the post disaster periods the following
steps need to be taken:
a. Every government should have some special funds to be spent
for relief measures for disaster.
b. It should be strictly monitored so that the funds are.
utilized only for the disaster affected areas and for the specific purpose. The
amount offund needed for pre- disaster and post disaster periods will be
determined by proper guidelines
c. Special insurance schemes should be made for disaster prone
d. Special funds are to be allotted for relief measures (v)
The various industrial and commercial organizations, educational institutions
,private companies etc are to be encouraged for forming relief funds.
e. The financial institutions disbursing loans for
constructing houses should ensure that necessary precautions are taken in constructing
Things that are
Needed During a Disaster : During the post disaster "period certain
essential things are required and providing these essential things is one of
the major tasks. Some of the essential things are- food, water bottles, warm cloths,
radio, paper, pen, old newspapers, soap, tooth paste, tooth brush, things that
are used by small kids, heavy shoes, candle, knife, etc.
To provide, the
above mentioned things, disaster management committees should appoint some
organizations and trained workers who can act and distribute the relief materials
as per requirement to the victims.
Providing Relief
after a Disaster: To provide relief after a disaster is the primary
responsibility of the National Crisis Management Committee under the central
Government. Apart from that, various social groups and organizations have been playing
an important role. It is essential to have co-ordination among all these groups
to mitigate a disaster. Particular attention is to be given to the following in
the post disaster period:
(i) Improvement in
transport and communication
(ii) Providing safe
drinking water
(iii) Maintaining
proper electricity, telephone and sanitation
(iv) Managing the
required food, shelter and clothes,
(v) To keep accurate
account of loss and damage
(vi) To ensure the
supply of seeds for cultivation and other facilities.
Q: What is an emergency aid? Discuss some emergency
aids during a disaster?
Ans : After a natural disaster, emergency services
should be provided to the living and the injured people or animals who are
badly affected by disaster. Whether an earthquake or any other form of disaster
occurs or not, the level of preparedness of the disaster management authority
department depends on how they keep ready the materials for rescue operations,
how the damage or loss of lives is controlled and hotf? far they could-'4flswe
the supply of drinking water, electricity, first aid; public relation and
emergency services.
(i) Supply of Water: In case-of disaster, like flood,
supply of drinking water is necessary and for that the mouth of the tube well
should be closed and bleaching powder is to be put in the well etc. Water
should be taken after boiling and if required alternative wafer supply is to be
(ii) Supply of Electricity: Usually electricity is
disrupted during and after the disaster Therefore there should be an alternative
provision for it. Alternative sources of power such as solar energy should be
utilized for it. Electricity should be restored immediately. The electricity
department should be prepared to restore.etectricitjvFor this, special training
should be given to the employees. During a disaster, there is a possibility of
short circuit to avoid that the buildings should have provision for fire -
extinguishers. If possible, the supply of electricity should be stopped for
that period. Torch light should be kept ready by everyone so that it can be
used during the disaster. Additional battery set, torch light, hurricane lamp
are to be kept ready.
(iii) Infrastructure: Generally, during a disaster, infrastructures
and the roads in particular suffer extensive damage. In case of Assam, flood
affects the roads and causes communication problems. Storm destroys me newly
built roads. Therefore life Public Works Department should remainprepared
to face such an eventuality of loss or damage caused by hazards. The earthquake
in 1950 in Assam brought massive destruction to the railway tracks and caused
big craters on the roads. The engineers and the staff of the PWD Department
should be given proper training to remain vigilant against disasters and it is
one of the important aspects of disaster management.
(iv) Relief Camps:
After a disaster organizing relief camps and their- management become
absolutely necessary. In particular during floods, shifting the flood affected
people) and animals to higher grounds is imperative. Volunteer groups] should
be formed for managing the relief camps,. Separate toilets for males and
females, drinking water, medicine, bleaching powder, brooms, tent, dry food,
gas lamp, torch etc are; necessary. These are the some of the things are to be
arranged. The names of the refugees in relief camps should be systematically
recorded. Special care needs to be taken fox-women ,children, elderly persons
and who are sick.
(v) First Aid :
Sudden disaster causes loss of human lives, physical injuries, and also
diseases. Sometimes dispensaries are also affected. So to mitigate such
disaster, some medicines and trained staff should be made ready.. First aid kit
should be kept ready and such kits contain: Cotton cloth and pashmina cloth
(a) Adhesive tape
(b) Crepe Bandage
(c) Sterile dressing
(d) Triangular Bandage
(e) Thermometer
(f) Scissor
(g) Glasses/ Gloves
(h) Soap
(i) Pain reliever
(j) Antacid
(k) ORS Packet
Along with the doctor, there should be an ambulance.
If required, provision should be there to shift patients from relief camps to
hospitals for better treatment. It is essential to form a group for prevention
of contagious diseases and the members should be given proper training for the
purpose. Besides, necessary food items are to be kept in store for future use
if an epidemic occurs.
Q: Explain
with examples the role of voluntary organizations and the society in general in
disaster management?
Ans : In order to survive at the time of disasters it
is important for the various communities in the society to remain alert. In
this case, the NGOs are expected to take important steps. Those who are engaged
in disaster management are to be properly trained and well prepared. In this
respect the participation of voluntary organizations, NGOs and sections of the
society may make positive impact. The voluntary organizations and the different
communities need to share mutual cooperation for this. For its effective implementation
the concerned people are to be particularly responsible for and aware about the
immediate rescue operations , rehabilitation and improvement of the
environment. For this is needed a year long plan of action as well as the
competence to tackle the situation immediately. The voluntary organizations
should remain ever ready to create an awareness among the different sections of
the society. For example, during the monsoons advance warning about floods
about to occur, relief steps to recover the losses etc can be imparted to the
people besides ensuring the distribution of relief materials, medicines, seeds and
othefrthings. The poor people have to suffer untold miseries during a disaster,
caused by destruction of houses and land becoming unfit for cultivation. The
voluntary organizations are to extend both long term and short term help in
this situation.
Q: Write a short note on Regional Disaster Management
and Planning Commission.
Ans : Disaster management in general is a united
effort of different departments through effective coordination. National Disaster
management involves the planning for preparedness, prediction, warning for
disaster, relief and rehabilitation, repair and reconstruction. For this
different departments are to be involved at different levels and made ready
through proper training for disaster management. The administrators,
scientists, planning officers and various sections of the society have to play
a vital role in this. Organisations and various social institutions should be
engaged in coordinated work before and after a disaster. For this in different
levels, training is to be conducted for readiness for a disaster. In this
regard, administration, (Science; planning commission, NGO and various communities
play a very important role. Already Natural Hazard Management Authority (NHMA)
has identified probable hazards and have informed public. This organization of
govt, of India has adopted various schemes end works in association with NGOs
in this regard. It includes baps of hazardous risk zones, etc. In urban
areas, guidelines of hazard proof houses and bridges are to be prepared.