Saturday, November 19, 2016

Empowerment of Women

“It is not possible for a bird to fly on one wing," said Swami Vivekanada, an advocate of women empowerment. The society is considered as a bird along with two wings- man and woman to fly in the air.
Empowerment of women is the way to enable them to revive their status in the society and give them equality in every walk of life. It is the process, and the outcome of the process, by which women challenge gender-based discrimination.

Need For Women Empowerment:
Since the older times, women have been treated as second rate citizens of all across the globe. The situation is almost the same everywhere irrespective of caste, community, colour or status. This situation has caused immense loss to their self-dignity as human beings and also their independent entities, associated with men, apart from other matter, in context with intellectual and professional capability. Women are deprived of:
•     Decision Making Power
•     Freedom of Movement
•     Access to Education
•     Access to Employment
•     Exposure to Media
•     Domestic Violence
Ways To Empower Women:
•     Changes in women's mobility and social interaction;
•     Changes in women's labour patterns;
•     Changes in women's access to and control over resources; and
•     Changes in women's control over decision-making.
 Empowering Woman Can Result In
•     Equality in every aspect
•     Freedom from oppression
•     Economic independence   
•     Having political power in society      
•     Self – defining power
•     Will bring Authenticity and Creativity
•     Improving their personal knowledge
Women represent half the world’s population, and gender inequality exists in every nation on the planet. Until women are given the same opportunities that men are, entire societies will be destined to perform below their true potentials .The greatest need of the hour is change of social attitude to women.

Vocational Training
Today, rising unemployment is a burning problem among educated young people in all developed and developing countries. In India it is estimated that currently there are 3-4 crores youth unemployed in India. Out of these, there are almost 40% of the people who are either matriculate or with above qualifications.

Vocational training plays an important role in preparing a skilled manpower for various technical areas. By undertaking vocational training one is equipped with a set of skills that will lead to a satisfying career path. It will also help to become a valued and needed member of any community. Knowledge is power and vocational training is a vital tool to help to gain that knowledge.

1)    Vocational training can reduce the No. of educated unemployed youths considerably. The group of youth who just completed their formal education and sitting without job can be converted to skilled workforce. 
2)    Educated unemployed with skill based training and confidence will come up for self ventures, will set up Small scale industries. This will not only give them their livelihood but also open new employment avenues for lesser educated people.
3)    The employers, who have to hire people from outside the region for specific jobs, will have the luxury of finding skillful trained labour within their region.
4)    This will give overall boost to already lagging economy of the country.